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Edward Phelps.



Pricing Development Services

Pricing Development Services

Recently I got this question from a leading software development team manager about how to price development services: “I wanted to ask you a business question, …when you are consulting for web development firms, how do they structure their...

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When Is A Change A Change?

When Is A Change A Change?

Change is a natural process. Especially on development projects. Development project Changes arise organically when new information is presented and when new understandings evolve, and new requests are made. Not only is Change a natural part of the development...

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Keys To Effective Scope Management

Keys To Effective Scope Management

For Developers, scope management is the difference between making and losing money on a development project. For Clients, scope management is the difference between a project being delivered on-time and on-budget, or not. Capture and Document...

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The Best SEO Plugin For Small Business WordPress Sites?

The Best SEO Plugin For Small Business WordPress Sites?

WordPress has powerful SEO features built-in. It’s really important to get maximum SEO results with minimal effort and know-how for individuals, small and medium size organizations looking to build and/or manage flawless websites.In my experience, Yoast...

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